
Welcome! Learn with me as I attempt a veggie garden

 Hello everyone! I’ve recently moved back to central Florida after a long time away. After seeing the crazy prices of some healthy and organic veggies at the store, I have decided to try and grow my own. The first thing I needed to do was get my planter boxes ready. My husband kindly made me 2 raised planter beds. I have to say they look pretty amazing. I’ve got a nice mix of soil which has been mixed all together (thank you Home Depot) and once we get chickens we will add that manure to the compost pile and mix in more soil.  Currently growing are green beans, tomatoes, sweet peppers, sugar snap peas, cantaloupe, watermelon, carrots, radish, beets, pumpkins, cucumber, zucchini, squash, gourds, corn, and I’m sure there’s more.....